Friday, November 11, 2011

Streetlamps Installed, Illuminated Soon

The first pedestrian lamps in Phase II are now installed and set to be illuminated this week. When the transformation is complete, 188 of these beautiful vintage streetlamps will line Peachtree, lighting your after-hours stroll.

Also this week, our contractor is installing trees in the landscape buffer, with 24 tree plantings set to be complete by Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Granite medians extending to north end of Phase II

The installation of the new granite medians is now moving to between Peachtree Dunwoody and Wieuca Road. These medians will improve traffic flow, and their landscaping will beautify your view. Contractors are pouring remedial sidewalk at Phipps Plaza and starting storm water work around Lenox Road.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Granite medians going in, soon to hold beautiful landscaping

Granite medians are now going in between Stratford Drive and Lenox Parkway. These medians will be landscaped with lush greenery, beautifying the boulevard while easing your drive by limiting the number of left turns.

You will also see mast arm poles being installed throughout the Phase II region. This will reduce unsightly utility lines, improving the view of offices, hotels, and storefronts along the sidewalk.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

North side of Peachtree now walkable throughout Phase II

You may now enjoy an unimpeded walk along the north side of the Peachtree Boulevard Phase II thanks to the completion of the new and wider sidewalk. The new blacktop in the southbound lanes is providing a smooth ride along the expanded curb line.

We will soon turn our attention to starting the landscaped median that will add beauty and consistent flow through all of Phase II.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Paving, Wall Show Signs of Progress

With large parts of the sidewalk in place, our contractor is paving the southbound lanes, making for a smooth ride past Phipps Plaza and Lenox Square Mall. The wall going up south of Lenox Square Mall’s main entrance gives a hint as to how far back the tree-lined sidewalk will be when the transformation is complete. Strolling through the busiest part of Buckhead will become an even more pleasant experience.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sidewalk Almost Finished in Front of Maggiano's

Peachtree Transformation  - The walk to Maggiano's is about to become more pleasant. The 11-foot-wide sidewalk along that stretch of Peachtree is very close to completion. Our contractor also intends to widen Peachtree Road along the north side in time for the Peachtree Road Race on the Fourth of July.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sidewalk on North Side of Peachtree Almost Complete

The 11-foot-wide sidewalk along the north side of Peachtree is almost complete. Lined with willow oak trees and a landscaped buffer, the sidewalk will provide a pleasant walk from beyond Phipps Plaza south past Piedmont. New asphalt for the widened southbound lanes is set to be laid in two weeks.
The Peachtree Boulevard transformation is the major enhancement of a stretch of Peachtree Road in Buckhead into a more livable, walkable, bikable and drivable promenade.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sidewalk Now Lining Phipps Plaza on North Side of Peachtree

Imagine a pleasant, shaded walk from Phipps Plaza, past Lenox Square Mall, to catch the train at the Buckhead MARTA station. It is in the not-too-distant future. Installation of the new, wider sidewalk in front of Phipps is almost complete. It will be set back from the road by a landscaped buffer and lined with shade trees. Granite curbing now lines almost the entire north side of Phase II of the Peachtree Boulevard transformation.

Fiber optic cables and other utilities are also going in, mainly at night to minimize disruptions.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Granite curb going in, followed by new, wider sidewalk

Following the holiday break and a week of snow, progress on the Peachtree Boulevard transformation is back at full speed. Crews are installing the granite curbs you may have noticed stacked just north of Maggiano's. 

Before installation, these curbs are more than 15 inches tall (the former Buckhead CID ED called them the "Cliffs of Dover")! Once installed below grade, however, only six inches will be exposed, forming an attractive and sturdy transition from the road to the sidewalk buffer.