"The CID has been quietly working for more than a decade toward the goal of turning Buckhead's main traffic artery into a grand boulevard, complete with trees, benches and that rarest of commodities, at least in Atlanta: a landscaped median strip where its yellow line now lies."
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Creative Loafing: Buckhead Rising
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A newly released video showcases the transformation happening in Buckhead and salutes the cooperation among public and private interests who are making the transformation possible. The video, produced by the Buckead CID, debuted at the recent "Kick-off" celebration at the Grand Hyatt in Buckhead attended by more than 500 people including Georgia Govenor Sonny Perdue.
"I know Buckhead is setting the standard," says Mayor Shirley Franklin, one of four stakeholders who share their praise for the transformation. The others are Buckhead Coalition President and former mayor Sam Massell, Regent Partners developer David Allman and Neighborhood Planning Unit activist Sally Silver.
Links to the video and other information about the transformation are available at www.peachtreeboulevard.com.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Peachtree Boulevard

What is it? The Peachtree Boulevard transformation is the major enhancement of a stretch of Peachtree Road in Buckhead into a more livable, walkable, bikable and drivable promenade. The transformation will allow Peachtree to live up to its reputation as Atlanta’s “signature street.” It will become a destination, not just a throughway.
Wider sidewalks, a tree-lined median, bike lanes –everything a thriving urban community needs
Where is it? The transformation covers about 1.5 miles on Peachtree Road through the heart of Buckhead.
The Peachtree Boulevard transformation will spur an increase in urban living, making Buckhead more desirable, attractive and beautified with:
11,500 linear feet of new 11-foot wide sidewalks
186 willow oak trees and 50,000 square feet of green space
83 modern benches
188 modern light posts
48 newly painted crosswalks
bike lanes
enhanced transit stops
6-foot-wide tree-lined median with flower plantings
When will it happen? It’s happening now.
Who’s doing it? The Buckhead Community Improvement District, Georgia Department of Transportation and the City of Atlanta.